2009, a year of many endings and new beginnings. a year of completely new experiences and travels that I will remember my entire life.
- I finished my Masters program and now have a Masters degree in Fire Protection Engineering. It was a very long schoolward journey and I loved most of it, once I hit high school that is. But I am very happy to be done and using my brains for something real, rather than fake school projects.
- I spent a month roadtripping around the southern half of the US with one of my best friends. We saw so many cool places, beautiful landscapes, met numerous interesting people, hiked impossible trails, and had a few drunken nights in the cities that called for it. Las Vegas, woot woot! And after it all I was completely unsatisfied with the short time we were able to experience it all. I now have a never-ending itch to do the same in the north part and repeat the south! Someday!
- I spent quality time with the family and remembered what it was like to really live in NH and enjoy its beauty and peace. Though I do not want to be living there full time I do love the state. It was awesome to also connect with my family again as I hadn’t really lived at home for 4+ years and probably won’t again?!?! Scary but I can’t even think the next time I will be back in NH in this next year, so not improbable.
- I accepted a full-time position with the company I interned for a year with. Though things with the economy, etc hasn’t picked up and I am still rather bored here I am thankful for a job and for the few opportunities that come my way. I will continue to do my best and learn everything I can so that when things pick up or a new job opportunity comes my way I will be prepared and useful.
- I moved out of my first Chicago apt. I had a wonderful time with my roommate there but I was also excited to move on. She and I led very different lives and I realized that I got very frustrated living with a person who had a completely different schedule than me.
- Following that, I moved into my second Chicago apt in a new section of the city with two new roommates who I found off of Craigslist. It was a huge leap of faith in myself that I would be able to live with two completely new people and I’m very happy with how it has turned out. I have found a great new friend in one of them and while the other isn’t as such a good friend, she is pleasant and fine to hang out with. Plus the apt is gorgeous and amazing and finally a grown up place. Though I am still waiting for the grownup furniture, mainly a couch. But hey, maybe in 2010
- I read 30 books this year. Definetly on the lower side for me but my life was really just all go, go, go and I find when I don’t have set times to read (like on the way to work or something) that I will sit down and turn the tv on rather than pick up a book. I’d like to make a goal to hit right around 35-40 for 2010.
- I traveled to Macau, China and spent a month doing a section of my work field that I loved.
Though I know 2009 has been a rough year for many, for me it’s been a huge growing year. I have enjoyed so many new things and learned so much about no matter how much things change, certain things, the relationships and friendships that get you through, don’t deep down. And really it’s the friendships that we all want right? Love, laughter, happiness. I had an incredible amount of it all this year and only hope that 2010 brings the same amount if not more! Good wishes to all. I’m bout ready to head out of this here office and go party my pants into 2010!!!!
After the gym and a carb-loaded dinner of course. Have to have a base for all that booze. Oh and a trip to the store for champagne! Can’t forget that.
See ya next year!