The new roomy has become a great friend in my life. I have found it very interesting to be around her because as similar as we are... there are many many things that are different. And I can obviously respect these differences but I'm also enjoying what I am learning from them. She has a boyfriend who is living in NJ and basically is in the same position that I was in a little over a year ago, except that she is adamant that she wants to stay with this guy. Like she says she could see her life with this guy. So this is great... but it's been very enlightening to see how they make a long distance relationship work. This girl is on the phone NONSTOP! I mean coming home from work she walks in on the phone 6 days out of 7. Her bf calls her every morning to wake her up, then they text/gchat/whatever during the day and then she probably calls him 2 to 3 different times in a night. When I was in a long distance I would maybe talk to my bf once every other day. And this was a huge problem for me.... one that I didn't voice enough but it was a HUGE problem. And now looking at her I can see that when you are in a long distance you need to put in double what you would when you live near each other. Talking 5 times a day is not insane because think, if you lived near each other you would most likely talk in the morning before work, then during work a couple times, then when planning what to do that night, etc. It's a lot more work than I would ever think and I have been in one! kind of enlightening huh?
I've started dating.... pretty seriously actuallly. Which is fun but also enlightening. I can now really understand why girls can be bitches or confusing or what! I mean there is this one guy who is great, very fun and talkative and respectful... He even bought me chocolates tonight but I am not going to see him until maybe saturday and this doesn't make me sad. Which tells me that even though I have fun with him... it's not going to be a permanent thing. tricky business this dating thing!
work has been work.. has been work. every day I go in hoping something will happen and every day I walk out being so incredibly happy to breathe in the fresh air! Things are so much better now that I have a window in my office but I seriously am going nuts being in the office day after day. And the worst... I've seen myself busy and I still find myself bored. It's just not in a I'm bored and the time is moving slow... it's a I'm bored and yet how the eff is it already 5 o'clock because I still have a TON to do! lol. I def need to figure out what the heck I want out of my professional life.... I just am not sure what that is yet.
We are soooo close to warm weather time.... and yet Ms. Mother nature keeps looking for ways to mess with my sense of equilibrium here by keeping it freezing in the morning, nice after work, and then cold again at night! just give me warmth please!
The old boyfriend has been popping up.... It still blows me away that the feelings I have towards that whole situation changes daily. I guess the biggest thing is that at the end of the day I enjoy talking to him and I enjoy the conversations we have. I know it's all about balance, I just have to keep working to get there. Because I am. There are just constant obstacles. Lol.
Lastly I went to Hotlanta the other weekend (April 16th-18th) and had an absolute blast! One of my best girlfriends moved down there right before xmas and I was so excited to have the chance to get down and see her new place and meet all her new friends. This is a girl that I talk to all day every day while we are at work meaning we pretty much know everything about one another so I had heard everything about her atlanta life and it was so nice to finally see/meet/experience her life. I want to put up pics but she hasn't posted them yet so when she finally does I will do a whole atlanta post. Especially since this is already a novel.
and signing off on a monday night.... this week looks to be exceedingly busy but I'm excited for it all!