Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Moon Boots

Chicago had it's first bountiful snowstorm yesterday and I needed something to wear to work that would keep me warm. Obviously. Back in the summer I had been visiting the fam and my mom & sister had bought these boots known as "moon boots." They were hideous and chunky and made their feet look HUGE! Now I know I'm weird here...but I have a weird obsession with how big feet look when in shoes. I don't know what it is and I've only ever met one other person who cared about this as well (and I know she doesn't care which is why I'm telling you all)! 

Anyway these boots were just exactly what astronauts wear in movies. And then my sister's were this glittery, shiny, bright blue with other bright colors over it. BAD! And then mom's were better, but still not great. So sometime after this we were driving by where they had previously boughten the boots so me as always wanted to stop and see what the place had, Thanks Dad! And then just because I am that person I saw this pair of moon boots that were perfect for me! Yes, they were black and laced up the back with this speckly gray. They were ridiculous of course because of their size, but they had this classicness (sp?) to them that I find myself always trying to achieve. So we bought them. And I know have a wonderful pair of moon boots. 

The point, trying to stay out of the snow yesterday I thought of them and went for it. I pulled them out of the winter closet and pulled them over my work pants, stuffing the end of the pants in. And off I went slightly uneasy as they did certainly look big and ungainly and they were squishy on the bottom so when you walk you sort of feel like you are walking on a bog or similar. A water bed consistency was what came to me first. There's that water for you... To work and back they brought me and I finished the day with completely dry and warm feet and was happy with my moon boots. So to test myself I decided I need to wear them again. If I wasn't comfortable wearing them when they were slightly unneeded I would not be able to do it. 

And I ROCKED them! I mean I went to my friends afters work so had to sport the boots all out to the burbs and back. I loved them! Loved the walking, loved the warmth, loved the no sweating in big puffy boots! Therefore, I have concluded that moon boots are the way to go. 

Now I know you're probably thinking this girl is a nut. And I am, but I do this with every new big article of clothing. If I don't feel it then I won't wear it.


Tomasen said...

ha ha ha haha. You are SUCH your mother's daughter!!! And of course...I now have Moon Boot envy!!

Hal said...

Yes well even though I very rarely like her shoe choices these were a find!

So excited to have comments!!!