Sunday, December 14, 2008

Not a fan...

Watching tv tonight there was this commercial where there are two turtles sitting in a movie theater and there is a guy sitting right next to one of them who is getting annoyed because this turtle is just chatting away about the previews. 

Now I could not tell you what the hell this commercial was about because I just started cracking up. Roomie was looking at me like I was crazy, but it was so ridiculous to me that we have gotten so desperate in our commercials that we need to have talking turtles to convince the public to buy our products.

Like seriously, when people see that if they don't start dying laughing what are they thinking? Oh my god, I've always wanted a pet talking turtle. maybe if I get this (I really have no inkling of what they were selling) than a fun cool turtle will amble into my life and I'll have my lifelong friend. FINALLY! I mean commercials piss me off but I tolerate them because I understand that they are a big part of the tv industry I get sad when I think about how we have degraded to such a low level of talking animals to entice people to buy things. It's an insult to us, in my eyes.
And now after that, I need to convince myself to splurge for Tivo or DVR and relieve myself of having to view ANY commercials. Yet, that will not happen...tough life I live. 


Lisa said...

I refuse to watch commercials -- they are so mind-numbing. I too have seen the turtle commercial, but I also have no idea what they are selling.

I wouldn't worry about being degraded though, because if you think they are stupid, then they have missed their mark -- and therefore you are saved!

Hal said...

Haha that's a good way to look at it. And I usually do refuse to watch them as well, read I'm sitting there with my laptop doing other things, but then you always have those few times when the laptop battery is dead and you're stuck. Boo!