Friday, January 16, 2009

Pretend this is a Thursday Night Post

For the entire week the weaher people have been preparing us for insanely cold temps. There was even an article in the daily newspaper that was telling how to avoid hypothermia and frostbite. As of right now this is Chicago's weather post:
Yep that's -10 and yep that's not even considering the wind. No need to make fun, my friends have already taken care of that. :) Woke up to an "enjoy that -30, haha." gotta love that time difference as well as friendly ribbing. Thanks Kristy!


Because of the insanely cold weather these past few days icicles have had a joyous time growing. These are the icicle on my back porch:


The middle icicle is almost touching the porch railing. If it extended out that far! I really enjoy how they form a pyramid. Makes me wonder what is on the roof that makes most of the water drip down the middle. Of course it's just musings because I wouldn't even step outside to get these pictures! It was hard enough opening the door to it. I always laugh at myself when I think these things, this is why I went to engineering school. Here's an artsy one as well being shot through the screen door. I think it's pretty cool that you can see the water drops on the screen as well as the icicles behind that.


Also for enjoyment, this is a pic from when I went skating last week. For some reason Chicago is famous for "The Bean." I don't know what it is, but I thought the photo opportunity was fun. 
I seriously love the chicago skyline. I wish I had a better camera so that I could really capture it. Note: This post was meant to go up last night but blogspot seems to hate me right now. 


Tomasen said...

That looks like one chilly bean!! Yes, I too love Chicago!! Perhaps it is time to start thinking about a weekend visit sometime soon!!

Hal said...

Always welcome!!
And it was cold. I loved how the snow was sticking to it! I actually tried to get a picture of my reflection in it, but it did not work out well. Far too dark. Next time!