Here we have a guy who has dedicated himself to a sport in such a fashion as to be able to win 8 OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALS! And for those people who didn't watch it, he came pretty darn close to not winning a couple of those races. Which means that he wasn't just jumping into it and killing the entire pool. No he actually had to work for each and every race and sometimes it was just pure luck that he took a last stroke or something and hit the wall first.
As a swimmer myself I have smoked while in season as well as not, and ultimately it does not make that much of a difference. I actually felt it effecting me more in terms of my singing ability than in swimming (breathing, length of breath,etc). Now I know a lot of this hype is because he is this famous athlete now, but does that mean he needs to live a life of perfectness? Too often this country puts people up on a pedastel just because of their talents. I mean respect them and all that, they completely deserve it, but to then believe that they don't do anything slightly crazy? I would consider it a very sad life if I had to live up to the ideals of what these famous people have to.
Michael Phelps obviously knows how to train to swim well and how to treat his body when he wants to succeed. So who cares what he does when he's relaxing, as long as he keeps up to this fabulous goal he set for himself and does the best he can do. that's all you can ask of someone.
And pot, is not bad, is not addictive, and is totally becoming legal. Everyone is different and even if you don't smoke, or don't like to doesn't mean the person who does is bad. I don't like watching sports on tv, but I don't hate the 3/4 of the human population who do...right?
I totally agree. A lot of people are freaking out about it and I thought I was the only one that was like "" Glad I'm not alone!
I don't care if he smokes pot, but where is it becoming totally legal?!!!!
It's so frustrating! And I read in the Red Eye this morning that there is a potential for him to actually be arrested for it, though that probably wouldn't go far since he wasn't caught with any, just smoking it. And also, Red Eye is not the best place to go for true information. But still!
As for legal, obviously medical issues (Cali here I come :)) but I believe Colorado is working on passing a law saying that possesion of up to an ounce is fine if you're caught. It wouldn't surpass federal laws though so I'm not sure exactly how that works but I know ideas like that are in the works.
Why, can you have pot legally in California? I mean sure, medical issues, but you must have to have some type of documentation for it.
There's a prescription, but there are certain doctors who will write you one for $100. so it's not really hard. just have to know the right ones.
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