I embarked from Chicago, Il at 11:20am on Sat February 28 and I arrived in Seoul at 4pm on Sunday March 1. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the way time can be so fleeting like that. And yet, it's not so much. I mean I did spend 14 hours on a flight before I got here which in all truth can be considered a pretty long day in normal terms. At least as long as you aren't considering going out at night and partying. And the best/worst/crazy part is, I still have a 4 hour flight until I get to my final destination. The idea of how long it takes for me to get to Macau amazes me and yet I'm happy that it is such a monumental effort. With all of the great technology we have a person can get to London in the same time they can get to California (from the northeast) and I feel like sometimes we get a little jaded in our thinking. I mean California is far away but it's still the same country as other states, but London, totally different! And yet the time it takes to get there, minus your jetlag, is equivalent. So I like that this is big, though I will be exhausted come monday morning, all yours sunday afternoon/evening! WEIRD!
I've been resisting changing my watch, partly because they do universal time over here which I have to actually think about and partly because I like looking and being like ooh it's 3:08am back home. Wonder what everyone is doing...haha sleeping but still! I've dealt with time differences before both with myself being away and with others being away, and it's odd but for some reason I feel very much like this is going to be different.
I'm rambling, wasn't able to sleep much on the plane so right now I desperately want to be in a bed and not some uncomfortable airport chair. hope all are having sweet dreams....mine have been extremely vivid the past week or so...very trippy
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