Monday, April 27, 2009

Life is "trying things to see if they work." - Ray Bradbury

Junior year of highschool I did the unexpected and joined what we called "Mountain Classroom." It was a trimester long trip where we traveled out west by bus and did outdoorsy stuff things like rockclimbing, camping, hiking, etc. This was unexpected because I was one of the least outdoorsy, athletic person you would ever meet. I was forced to play field hockey and that was a challenge for me. But somewhere in the middle of sophmore year something clicked in me and I knew that I wanted to go and learn how to do all these crazy, completely out of the box activities, that I would never get another chance to in my life! So off we go...

One of our first stops was dogsledding in Minesota on the Boundary waters. Dogsledding was one of those crazy experiences that I would never in my life imagine myself participating in but as soon as I showed up and saw those cute dogs I was hooked. 
Our group was about 12 people and only 2 could ride on a sled, we had two. So the rest of us had cross country ski equipment and would head out first to make the trail and then about a half hour later the dogs and sleds would follow. We only went out for three days, which meant that I got one day actually riding the sleds, but the entire experience was unforgettable. 

I remember the day I was the sled master, it was me and my friend Josh, and the dogs were so excited and gung ho to go that you had to have the sled on its side and be sitting on it if they were attached. So we set off on our day and within an hour we are caught up with the group of skiers ahead so we yell "wooooaah woooaaaahh dogs" and they slow down just slightly enough that between the two of you, you use your entire body strength to flip the sled and then jump o it! I mean you would flip the sled and they still pulled it for another 100 yards until it stopped. Hilarious! and then they would sit there and howl until you let them run again. absolutely thrilling!
Every night we would have to make out entire camp which would include gathering fire wood, setting up our tents, digging a water hole (that's a picture of me doing that above), etc. It would take a good half hour to chop through the ice, just to get a little hole! And then you would need to expand it to be big enough to fit a bucket in. This was not my most favorite job, though it did beat carrying the big ass logs out of the woods and then chopping them up by hand! yes, this was one of the more physically demanding experiences of my life. 

 I remember the air being so cold that we would all huddle by the fire, close enough that the rubber on our boots would start pop and burn (shown below). These mornings were the only relaxing part of the day as the rest would include skiing to our new site, setting that up, preparing dinner, and going to bed, so it was one of our favorite times. Plus breakfast, usually hot cocoa and other warm substances were very welcome! 

When we went to sleep at night, not only did we have one mummy sleeping bag, but TWO! you would fit on into the other and then cinch then both closed so tight that only your mouth would be able to poke out and get fresh air. Sometimes you would wake up in the middle of the night and get so claustaphobic because you couldn't find the hole! Creepy while ur experiencing it, but so cozy once you realized you were still warm and the air was freezing! The pic below is us seeing how it would feel at the Outward Bound base camp before we left. 

Lastly, shown below, is a group shot of the fabulous people I shared this time with. And yes you really did have to wear like 8 layers anytime you stepped outside. :)

"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." - Charles Dubois

Sunday, April 19, 2009

70 degrees + Patio seating + Chicagoians =

Day drinking and Mayhem!

I got a new camera the other weekend when I was home so on Saturday I was so excited that not only was it time for the Chicago summer mentality but nice out as well! Quite the inauguration for my new fabulous point and shoot! This is my roomate and me causing a ruckus in the ladies room. For some reason we thought the day called for pastels, our other friend was wearing yellow. Not sure if we got confused and thought it was easter or what...haha
Also brought out to enjoy the first nice day was a confetti gun, numerous motorcycles, and people watching galore!!!! 

Next weekend is supposed to be just as gorgeous and I can not wait! This city is amazing when the weather is nice. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Picture Wednesday

on my way to work I cross one of the numerous bridges in chicago and today on a piling next to it there was a goose and huddled behind her were two little goose babies!! (chicks??) They were so cute, with like neon yellow fur! alas by the time I managed to extract my camera from my work bag they had settled down and gone back to bed. It was after all only 7:30am. who blames them. 

So then I had an eye appt tonight which enabled me to get out of work early enough to enjoy the sunshine and it was actually fairly warm out. So once I was finished with the appt I decided to walk to the gym and get myself some Vitamin D! And lo and behold what did I see awaiting me at another gym. Yes, Mr. Goose. He looks so important. 

And a fun view of the city with the absolutely gorgeous blue sky in the background! What an amazing sight to see in the city. 

And lastly, a picture of my shadow. Haven't seen that in awhile. :) And for fun, that big building in the background is my gym. 
Happy Sun Everyone!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Instead of my office, i'm imagining I'm here

Because I am sick of what I am doing at work and all I can think about is how much I wish the sun were out and I could go lay out and soak up the rays once I leave here (living in dream world right now I know) I have made a list of the top 5 WARM places that I would absolutely kill to vacation in. In no particular order....

Not only does it have fantastically warm weather and absolutely beatiful beaches, but it provides a great touristy option as well. So for those non-beach loving people there will still be things to amuse you during the day! I am absolutely fine hanging on the beach day after day, but sometimes you do get antsy and it's nice to have the option to go see things.
Beaches to die for!!! AND thai food! though if they didn't have peanut sauce for real my love of thai might have to leave!
Kuala Lumpur!

Def not a place to go for beachy time, but after seeing Hong Kong I really want to check out this city! It's got shopping and touristy and it's on a harbor! gorgeous.

I know it's a cliche but there's got to be a reason for that! :) I mean how fun would it be to get off the plane and be handed a lei (I got handed a bead string in Jamaica so this is totally possible) and then just go belly dance your troubles away. MMMM pina colada's on the beach. perfect!

I have wanted to go to Greece since I can remember. My mom went when she was younger and the pictures I have seen from it, plus the stories, make it sound irresistable. Plus the ocean just looks fabulous! And I totally want to ride a donkey to wherever I stay! haha

And last, but totally the most important!!

I will make it here and it will be like a month long trip where I pack a backpack and travel teh coast. Gorgeous and beautiful and seems so fun. plus I have never heard anythign bad about it.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Wkend :)

Happy easter everyone!!! I was lucky enough to go home this weekend... and it was amazing to see my family in every way. Meaning I was even asked the same questions over and over again but it was ok (and I think my family understands this so don't take offense). But it is good and wonderful and I love my family so much. 

My sister is growing up! We have so much fun together and even though she is one hundred percent different from me,  I think we are starting to understand and relate to each other. It's fantastic! It's hard to relate to a 15 year old teenager but I love what we have. There is def more to come but this needs to go up before we leave easter behind right? and since thats in 10 minutes....

Happy Easter, I hope it brings the hope of spring and new life. Everything is worth life. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

200 Yd Backstroke, Flashback

It was potentially the last race I would ever swim solo. just me, my arms, my legs, my soul fighting to make that time. I had a decent goal time in my head...nothing too insane like my coach had been pushing, just a time that would leave me feeling happy and proud and standing with hopefully a spot in the finals. 
Buzzer sounds and I jump into the water, it's freezing and salty. One of my least favorite pools in our conference. Doesn't matter I tell myself, settle your mind and grab onto that wall. This is your race. The start signal sounds and we're off. Nearing the last lap, I don't feel as if I can move. My arms are exhausted, I can see my teammates cheering for me and yet, there's nothing there. I finish the race and look up at the clock. 2:23:26 ~3 seconds off my goal time, a good time overall, in fact 5 seconds better than my seed time, but nothing near where I wanted to be. Worst of all, I know this time won't bring me back for tonight. Ultimately I think, you just swam your last race and it sucked. I slowly look at the wall and gather myself together. "You will not cry, you will not breakdown. Just get yourself out of this pool and into the warm up section." I will myself to drag myself up and out, convincing my arms this will be the last thing they need to do today. My lovely teammates are there telling me what a great job I did. I hug the closest ones and then slowly make my way through the pack and to our bench where I drop my jacket. I dive into the warm up pool and the tears begin. 

One by one I focus on making my arms continue to swim and drag me through the water. The tears are pouring down my face, luckily I can trap myself in the water and make myself believe it's not happening. I keep my face down until my lungs are screaming. Finally I lift my head and gasp for breathe. After awhile I feel calm and sane enough to get out and face my coach. 

I walk over to our bench and grab my towel. As I'm drying off I hear my name screamed. I turn around and see my entire team coming towards me with huge smiles on their faces. I focus on the first three, Matty in the middle, Julie to the right, and Karen to the left. I don't know what's going on, no idea what is happening. They descend upon me, screaming and cheering and so excited. Deep down inside I start to understand that maybe, just maybe, the impossible has happened and I made it back for the finals. After the longest time hugging and screaming me they all pull away and Matt hands me the sheet. In some insane and incredible world I have made 16th position and I will be swimming that night in the finals. It's there in print, my name, with my time. I have another chance to do my absolute best. I look up from the paper and there is my coach. We hug and I've never felt more loved or special than I do at this moment. This group of people who are so incredibly happy for ME to make it back to the finals, even when most of them don't. 

In the finals I race with my all and end up moving up a spot to 15th and cutting another half second off time 2:22:64. Overall I couldn't have done a better job and it is the perfect way to end 

The relationships in sports teams can never be explained....I wouldn't change my experience for a second. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wasting time at work.

So the weather here is this lovely little city is 4o somethings for the next gagillion days!!!! Add to that rainy or snowy or wintry mixy and you have me going AHHHHHH! And yes, gagillion might be a bit of an exaggeration but really? Chicago all I ask of you is a nice 60 degree day or so this weekend. Perhaps a day when I can go sun myself in my lovely little school park up the street and begin to dream of days on the beach and summer cocktails in my cute little tank tops and skirts. Because I really could do with a bit of that fun.

Last night I was having dinner with my uncle at his bar and this limo came up and asked if they could shoot people coming in and out of the bar. Of course he said yes and very quickly like 10 girls all in tiny little dresses came parading out of the limo and came to stand in the doorway shivering uncontrollably. Cause you was COLD out. I was sitting at a table in normal clothes and was cold when they kept opening the door. Geesh! But all I could think of was how wonderful it's going to be when we can be hanging out on the patio and enjoying the nice summer nights. And I ask myself yet again why I don't live in a warmer climate????

So come on Chicago, lets up the ante here and provide me with just one day that will allow me to continue through these spring showers. Kthanx!!

In other news
*one of my best friends just got engaged!!!!!!! She is one of the least likely people you would ever think to get married and I would have bet she wouldn't have even settled down with someone till like her 30's but hey, that's life. And I'm just so excited for her and can not believe it! I feel like she's passed over some life bridge or something. Here I am doing the single and being fine with it, and she's already living with someone and engaged. Crazy shite! But oh so fun :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Future Stuff

My internship is up at the end of May and I have/want to start thinking about what I'm going to do when that happens. I also really have/want to sit down with my boss and see what he is thinking come the end. I've heard lots of things from people I work with, but nothing at all from him. Unfortunately I suck at these things! I hate having to have talks and blah blah blah so I thought it might help me if I made a list of what I want to happen come end of May.

  • Pass my 2 current classes and finish the last class required for my Masters.
  • Take a few months off this summer/fall to finish my classes and have some fun
  • Decide upon a location of the earth that I want to live/decide if I want to stay in Chicago, unfortunately this will probably be determined by jobs available
  • Start looking into job opportunities, but where?


  • I want to be out of the office and on-site at least 50% of the time.
  • I want to be more hands on and performance based design than code-consulting
  • I would love to be able to travel
  • I would like to stay with RJA if a position that fulfilled most of these wants was offered. Furthermore I would like to research different RJA offices to see what types of work they most frequently do. How does one go about that?
  • I don't think I want to stay in the actual Chicago office unless it's with International and I'm gauranteed traveling (frequently). Frequent travel, do you even feel like you're living somewhere?

All very vague and absolutely nothing concrete. That's the norm for me, unfortunately this is goign to be bothering me for the next two months....hopefully warmer weather comes to distract me.