Buzzer sounds and I jump into the water, it's freezing and salty. One of my least favorite pools in our conference. Doesn't matter I tell myself, settle your mind and grab onto that wall. This is your race. The start signal sounds and we're off. Nearing the last lap, I don't feel as if I can move. My arms are exhausted, I can see my teammates cheering for me and yet, there's nothing there. I finish the race and look up at the clock. 2:23:26 ~3 seconds off my goal time, a good time overall, in fact 5 seconds better than my seed time, but nothing near where I wanted to be. Worst of all, I know this time won't bring me back for tonight. Ultimately I think, you just swam your last race and it sucked. I slowly look at the wall and gather myself together. "You will not cry, you will not breakdown. Just get yourself out of this pool and into the warm up section." I will myself to drag myself up and out, convincing my arms this will be the last thing they need to do today. My lovely teammates are there telling me what a great job I did. I hug the closest ones and then slowly make my way through the pack and to our bench where I drop my jacket. I dive into the warm up pool and the tears begin.
One by one I focus on making my arms continue to swim and drag me through the water. The tears are pouring down my face, luckily I can trap myself in the water and make myself believe it's not happening. I keep my face down until my lungs are screaming. Finally I lift my head and gasp for breathe. After awhile I feel calm and sane enough to get out and face my coach.
I walk over to our bench and grab my towel. As I'm drying off I hear my name screamed. I turn around and see my entire team coming towards me with huge smiles on their faces. I focus on the first three, Matty in the middle, Julie to the right, and Karen to the left. I don't know what's going on, no idea what is happening. They descend upon me, screaming and cheering and so excited. Deep down inside I start to understand that maybe, just maybe, the impossible has happened and I made it back for the finals. After the longest time hugging and screaming me they all pull away and Matt hands me the sheet. In some insane and incredible world I have made 16th position and I will be swimming that night in the finals. It's there in print, my name, with my time. I have another chance to do my absolute best. I look up from the paper and there is my coach. We hug and I've never felt more loved or special than I do at this moment. This group of people who are so incredibly happy for ME to make it back to the finals, even when most of them don't.
In the finals I race with my all and end up moving up a spot to 15th and cutting another half second off time 2:22:64. Overall I couldn't have done a better job and it is the perfect way to end
The relationships in sports teams can never be explained....I wouldn't change my experience for a second.
So cool!!! You should write about other flashbacks, this was very, very fun to read. Was that actually a picture of you? I mean, it LOOKS like you, but you never know!
I think i'm going to try. I get nervous though because I really don't like my writing. But I also want to remember it.
And yes that is a pic of me. haha
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