Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Work = Stress

Back in February or March or something my company did an employee survey so that we could rate the company and all that. I guess they have just gotten back the results because they have started sending out stress coping tips because, I'm assuming, that being stressed frequently was one of the biggest complaints. today's stress hints was "32 Stress Reduction Tips" from our current healthcare phyciatry company.

My favorites:

Get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful.
I'm sorry, but the only way getting up earlier in the morning is going to be less stressful too me is if I'm not allowing myself enough time to do all the normal get yourself ready things in the morning. I would prefer staying up 15 minutes later and doing things to prepare myself rather than get up earlier. Granted i'm that girl who snoozes for 25 minutes...

Get enough sleep. If necessary, use an alarm clock to remind you to go to bed.
Obviously! I would have to say that most of us probably dont' need reminding to go to bed and would willingly fall into bed some nights at 7pm if we didn't have those million and one things to do.

Be prepared to wait. A paperback can make a wait in a post-office line almost
YAY! I do this already. That's for all those people who make fun of me for carting a book wherever I go. :) Nothing to do with work stress though, I guess unless you're late for something and this line is making you later...but really is a book going to help you there? That's probably when the blackberry that's attached to everyone's hip becuase god forbid we shouldn't wait more than 10 minutes to answer an email gets pulled out.

Change in yourself what you do not like in others.
This will reduce my stress? or just make me a better person? and isnt' this really a lifelong goal, not an immediate one to reduce work-related stress

Yea, so though I think it's cool my company is trying to address the concerns that arose from the employee surveys I guess I just don't agree that giving out vague, common-sense tips like these that you can find in any book or whatever is really the way to go about it. Then again, I am also a person who believes an entire change in the paradigm of our current work scenario needs to change. I like the mentality that if you have work, you do it and it takes what it takes while if you don't you should be able to go. This whole at a minimum 40hr/week, 8-5 thing is CRAZY! But maybe this actually will help someone who hasn't ever taken the time to.....I dunno.

Work to live...not live to work right???

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