Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Craziness is Beginning

  • I have decided to stop biting my nails. It's been a horrible habit of mine for my ENTIRE life and I have officially decided that I am sick of it. As of right now I have lasted over a week which is approximately a week more than I have ever lasted in my LIFE! 

  • This article pisses me off! I mean more than I can even express. That there are still men out there who really think this just depresses me beyond belief because it is so untrue. And yet it can be true with BOTH men and women. It all depends on the person, not their freaking gender! I have been in a male dominated profession now for a year, and I went to a college that was mainly men and yes it is hard. But there is no question that I can do everything they do just as well or better in some cases. Argh ignorant people! 

  • Almost related to that, I went to the NFPA conference yesterday and hung out at my company's and WPI's booth and had such a good time. I was so excited to meet new people, and see my coworkers, and I met the owner of my company and he knew who I was! I have this fear that I don't make enough of an impression on people at work cause I can tend to be pretty quiet but yesterday proved to me that I do! which is awesome! not sure if any of that made sense, but that's all I'm giving. 
  • I'm leaving on a jet plane! haha, I'm shipping off to Bonaroo tonight so I will be off the radar for the next few days or so. I can NOT wait to get there and see everyone. I'm only worried about how the heck I am going to charge my phone and camera! cause I will of course be calling everyone I know to make them jealous if they aren't there and taking numerous pictures! Have a good weekend everybody! 

1 comment:

Molly said...

um, bonnaroo? JEALOUS. hope you have a blast!
And glad the NFPA conference went well! Obviously they're impressed with you -- you were hired AND get the summer off! :)