Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to kill a spider the New Hampshire way

Step 1: Find a broom and boot
Step 2: spend 15 minutes gathering the courage to knock spider down from ceiling
Step 3: scream and run away when said spider is finally locked down
Step 4: carry broom, with attached spider, out to dirveway as quickly as possible
Step 5: smush, smash, & crush spider into miniscule bits and pieces

Coming home tonight with the sibs we found a HUMONGOUS spider in the corner of our porch ceiling. I of course had already seen this and tried to erase it from my mind because good lord do I hate spiders BUT my sister was unable to forget about it and insisted that we kill it. Now me being sensible and having many more years of experience in spider killing said no freaking way! that spider will jump off the ceiling, onto our heads and kill us with its freaky orangutang legs and fast crawling.

So after I have locked myself in the house (along with the dogs because what if it got on them??) they devised a plan to knock the spider off with a broom and then smack it with a shoe. Does anyone want to guess how long this took them??? like 20 minutes...and though the spider did end up being dead by the end (THANK GOD) they were utterly ridiculous making it happen. Picture a 23 year old hiding behind a front door with a crazy 16 year old jumping and screaming around and a silly 14 year old running around with a boot just making noise. Yes it is quite the scene.

*I would put a pic of a spider up just for fun but I'd have a heartattack every time I'd look at the post so now way jose!

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