This weather is awesome. Warm and balmy! I'm very much enjoying the surprise indian summer and hope it lasts for awhile. :) totally not prepared for winter yet. I am enjoying the leaves turning though, sooo pretty driving around the northeast.
I deleted an entry in my phone the other day, felt like it was time. I'm not sure exactly what I'm hoping to come out of it, in fact kind of think it's silly now that I'm a few days into it, but I know I need to do something.
The seventh gabaldon book has finally come out! If you do not know the author Diana Gabaldon than you are missing out. It's this fabulous love story set way back when, all the books are very long but you just can't stop reading them. so excited!
I really need to start working out. Like really really really but I just have no idea where or how to even start. Very frustrating. I keep telling myself once I start working again and all that then I'll join a gym and stuff but I'm not sure I can wait a whole nother month. have to get motivated!
I'm out!
Sounds like a lot going on! That's great! So when are you back to work? And I'm definitely going to check out that series. Thanks!
Oh you should! My mom and I are seriously obsessed with them.
I'll be back at work Oct 26th. Are you still planning on being there as well?
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