Monday, January 4, 2010

Lady Gaga & Wisdom Teeth

Tonight I will be seeing this!

yep... that's right. Awesome roomie and I are going to be checking out this fabulous concert all decked out in Gagaish outfits! We are so excited! Thank the lord that she changed venues and put more tickets on sale!
Then tomorrow morning I have something not so fun.. finally getting my wisdom teeth out after many many years of being told i should. Which means that I will be laid up for the rest of the weekend on a liquid diet. Which in my world means that I get to load up on mucho food tonight and then smoothies and ice cream!!! trying to look on the bright side of things here cuase I'm truthfully very nervous. I hate things like this!
Happy weekend everyone! I'll be busting out my dance moves tonight and can NOT wait!!!!


Lisa said...

Ga GA GA GA GA GA.... was it great?

Hope you haven't lost ALL of your wisdom!!!

Ice cream, yum!

Tomasen said...

Sooo HOW was it? Em, Zach and I all have to have teeth removed as well and I too am nervous! How did it go?

Hal said...

it wasn't too bad actually! once I got over the whole "they are pulling my teeth out, OH MY GOD!" part they knocked me out and it was fine.

I haven't felt too much pain either, it's def not pleasant and I'm taking pain medication but other than that it's alright. chew slowly! haha

Bayjb said...

Jealous! Ugh you need to do a full recap and show pictures. I SO wanted to go!