Monday, March 1, 2010

Hilton Head

This past weekend I went to check out a new part of this little old USA and was excitedly delighted to see how charming it was. Hilton Head, South Carolina was the destination. My grandparents have started a new tradition of traveling someplace warmer during these blah months of February and March and of course my mother goes along. Well this year I was able to join as well! Thanks Mom for the ticket! The first couple of days were still rather chilly because the sun wasn't able to get completely out but it was still warmer than Chicago and we were able to find plenty of things to occupy ourselves with. Sunday was then absolutely gorgeous too which made my entire weekend :)

the area we were in has these fabulous beaches that are so hard packed that you can bike on them and when the tide is out there is this huge expanse of beach to choose from! So of course I needed to check this out. Here is a pic of my mom as we head out. yes we were both experimenting with taking pictures as we rode. we like to live on the edge :)

After biking down the beach we decided to break off and go inland to explore some of that area. After getting lost and biking MILES out of the way we found the animal and forest preservation where we were able to catch some awesome alligators in their natural habitat.

It blows me away that they are just chilling on peoples lawns. I mean what if you wanted to go hang out there that day! perhaps there is some type of schooing mechinism that only the locals know about. The funniest thing is that even though these alligators are ALL over the place down there the only sign they have around is "Don't Feed the Alligators!" Like really? who needs that reminder? I mean I was excited to see them but no way would I think to offer them some of my sandwhich or something.

On sunday morning I woke up incredibly early for some reason and was able to catch the sunrise over the ocean. It was absolutely gorgeous and I ended up waking up my mom and we both ran outside to get some pictures! I dont' think I'll ever get tired of sunrise/sunset pictures over a body of water. It just perfect!

After realizing that no matter how pretty teh sunrise was, the sand was still freezing cold and my feet were getting very close to frostbite, jk I headed back inside to try to catch some more sleep. Instead I found this guy...

Yep a little lizard had found his way into my room somehow. So then I had to usher him slowly out while my mother sat on my bed like a scaredy cat! haha, I don't find them scary but the thought of getting close to them, so close that they might jump on me, makes me nervous as hell! luckily using two books as path markers I was able to slowly guide him out. he didn't even run very fast! poor thing, I think he was so confused by his predicament he didn't know hwat to do with himself!

All in all it was a great weekend. it was nice to just hang out with my grandparents and mom. It's very rare to get only mom and me time so whenever it happens it's very fun. We both enjoy days spent lazing in the morning, exercising, booking, and then having a few cocktails to end the day and it's always special when you can share that with someone else! specially your mom!!! I even managed to get a little sunburnt on sunday which was fantastic! yes, I am a sun junkie.


Lisa said...

Yes, it was awesome to hang out! The weather has been quite chilly since you left, so you definitely got a nice slice of the sunshine. We all just biked down to Coligny to have lunch and everyone is now beat and moaning about naps! Ha, that was like NOTHING to me!!!

Hal said...

It certainly is nothing! that was like 20 minutes or so.... psh

Maggie said...

my whole family vacationed there every summer when I was growing up. it's such a relaxing place to spend some time, and Savannah is a short trip away too!

Hal said...

It was very relaxing, everyone seemed so laid back! didn't manage to make it to savannah but hopefully sometime!