Tuesday, July 5, 2011

And the Next Chapter Begins....

This past weekend I finally made the big move from Chicago to Hoboken and even though leaving Chicago was definitely very bittersweet for me I feel that all I am going to gain will by far make up for all I had to leave behind. I made some really great friends out there, was able to mature as a person and make myself a pretty darn good life, and got closer to a great uncle!!! Overall it was 3 truly life altering years and though I may have put up a brave face when I moved there it was definitely one of the most intimidating and scary things I had ever done in my life. And I have come out of it feeling like a completely new competent and resourceful woman. Cliche maybe but it's incredible to see where I was versus where I am right now. Quite the transformation!

The last week in Chicago was of course exhausting what with all of the packing and seeing people for the last time, but I managed to do it all and ended up jumping on a plane, in complete zombie form btw, to head to Hoboken and then down to the shore for fourth celebrations!

The whole situation actually ended up working perfectly as I can't get into my new place until mid July so after the movers came and got my stuff I was able to focus on relaxing and rejuvenating myself during the 3-day wkend. Jeff picked me up from the airport friday evening and it was immediately off to LBI for a long weekend of beaching, drinking, and all around good times! We ended up having fabulous weather, add in some amazing cooking, tasty beverages, and an ocean and I'm set! Weirdest thing was actually on saturday there were all of these little jelly like things floating in the ocean.... no one had ever seen them before but we figured out that they clean the water and man they sure did cause the next day when they weren't there the water was all cloudy and murky! crazy little things but you couldn't put your hands in the water cause they would hit up against you!!! eek so creepy! haha

Overall it was a fantastic wkend and it was amazing to be with Jeff and not have to worry about going home at the end of it or when we would next see each other. It's been three years of constantly feeling like you're never getting enough time together and then even before that in college we would have summers apart and trips for school apart. Overall it's one of the more surreal feelings I've ever had to know that we can be togther, count on each other, and basically make awesome plans for the forseeable future! And as if the move itself didn't just feel right but it was like everything went our way the entire time! No traffic, no drama, no nothing and it all got topped off with one of the most spectacular fireworks shows that I have ever experienced. We went to see the Macy's Fireworks on the Hudson river and it was incredible. Shapes, and brilliant colors! At one point there was even hearts sent up there which I'm sure sounds incredibly cheesy but it's pretty hard to not think wow, in some small universe caused this way we have a huge fireworks show giving its support to us. Again very cheesey but I think everyone should have a incredible night like that where you just feel as if the whole world is rooting for you and this great man in your life. It actually made me understand the woman who wants huge weddings with insane decorations and demonstrations! Why shouldn't everyone have a "what feels like the world is celebrating with you" night. Though that will never be me I do know that this is not a night I will ever forget and I can not be MORE excited for this new chapter in my life! I will have new tasks at work, a new city and activities to experience, friends to experience it all with, and most of all a wonderful person to share it all with! Couldn't be more excited so thank you 2011 for thus far being a fantastic year!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Graduations & Celebrations

This past weekend was both my sisters 18th birthday and highschool graduation as well as my cousin's graduation and birthday celebrations. This meant there was a lot of family time, party time, and celebrating! We started off Friday night with a senior dinner at Proctor and a little champagne for Maddie's 18th!

Proctor's ceremonies took place beneath a tent where it was just cold enough out that if you weren't in the sun it was freezing!!! So my friend and I hung around on the outskirts for most of it. This was all good though as we were then able to get lots of pictures of the graduate!

Proctor's classes are fairly small so a large chunk of time was taken up with speeches and things. Matt Nathanson was the guest speaker and he gave a great speech about how not to settle for mediocrity and instead to take the time and learn/hone your craft. Hopefully we are all able to do what we love in our lives.

The graduates! Maddie wore a dress almost every day which was insane and so fun! she looked great in all of them.
PEA's graduation site was outside which was good as it was slightly more chilly and their class was HUGE! Quadruple the size of Proctor's class most of the time spent in this ceremony was just presenting the diplomas. It certainly wasn't as joyful an affair occuring directly after Proctor's but it was great to see Emma graduate! I can't believe they are both going to college next year.

There's a fun pic of Maddie hugging Matt Nathanson... won't lie kinda wanted to get up there and hug him as well! Also got a bunch of great shots of various family members which was nice as I don't have too many recent ones.

Mother and Son
Chloe and me :) so good to see her!

I feel like they have this exact picture somewhere cause I had major deja vu when I first saw this. The standard Nana/Grandpa pose I'm sure.

Some of the family men....
Group Picture! Congratulations Maddie and Emma!!! You two have become beautiful young women who surprise and amaze me every time we get together! Your the best sister and cousin a girl could ask for! Can't wait to see what you do in college!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Momentous World Occasions

It's interesting to think that for two big world events I have been in located in Dubai. And to think I haven't traveled internationlly for close to two years until now! I would like to say it's been amazing being a different country but really I don't think it's been any better or worse than if I were in good ole chicago. Though I did not go out and have a celebratory drink for either occasion whcih is definitely not so fun! Anyway I thought it'd be kind of fun to set down where I was while both events were occuring. And yes the royal wedding is a momentous event! i mean how frequently does a royal prince get married!

I also feel the need to write down somewhere my my own words that Osama is now dead because I feel as if I am having very unique reactions compared to most of the world. Not completely original as I've read/talked to many others who feel similar but def not in line with the overwhelming joy ppl seem to have. It seems odd to me to think that so many people are whole-heartedly celebrating the death of another human being. Yes he was horrible and "responsible" for so many horrible things but overall one man can not be held responsible for the actions of many and just because he is dead does not mean that the attitudes and feelings that he spent the last how ever many years harboring are just going to disappear. In fact I think it will only work to make them that much stronger but that is a whole nother post. I just don't get how thinking can be so shortsighted to assume that this one guys death is such a turning point. I mean ultimately he has just spent the last 10 years in hiding, I have a feeling that maybe he just wanted to be done with it by now. I also understand that a big deal has to be made of it because we have essentially been chasing this ONE man for the last TEN years and I mean you gotta have all that money and wasted lives be useful for something right? Overall, the fight against terror is still going to be needed and hopefully this little success won't make america assume they are invincible again. They say hindsight is 20/20 but that's only if you actually use it as a tool.
In other words I do think Obama's speech was very nicely worded and enjoyed that it was short and to the point. As I am resideing in a predominantly muslim country I also appreciated that he reiterated that our fight is not against the Muslim faith but against the terrorists themselves regardless of race or religion. A good thought to put out there for all of the celebrating college kids who really seem to have no concept of what this death meant other than another chance to go running through the streets drinking!

Now for the fun one! Prince William and Kate! She was so gorgeous in her dress, I think it was the perfect mix of being fun young and sexy while still classy and fitting of the royal aspect. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the procession and wedding itself while having lunch with a group of Egyptian Muslims at an authentic egyptian restaurant. Very certainly an experience in life I never could expect in advance. It was very fun though and the egyptian culture is very loud and welcoming with lots of laughing! now I only need to understand Arabic!

Congrats Will & Kate!