It's interesting to think that for two big world events I have been in located in Dubai. And to think I haven't traveled internationlly for close to two years until now! I would like to say it's been amazing being a different country but really I don't think it's been any better or worse than if I were in good ole chicago. Though I did not go out and have a celebratory drink for either occasion whcih is definitely not so fun! Anyway I thought it'd be kind of fun to set down where I was while both events were occuring. And yes the royal wedding is a momentous event! i mean how frequently does a royal prince get married!
I also feel the need to write down somewhere my my own words that Osama is now dead because I feel as if I am having very unique reactions compared to most of the world. Not completely original as I've read/talked to many others who feel similar but def not in line with the overwhelming joy ppl seem to have. It seems odd to me to think that so many people are whole-heartedly celebrating the death of another human being. Yes he was horrible and "responsible" for so many horrible things but overall one man can not be held responsible for the actions of many and just because he is dead does not mean that the attitudes and feelings that he spent the last how ever many years harboring are just going to disappear. In fact I think it will only work to make them that much stronger but that is a whole nother post. I just don't get how thinking can be so shortsighted to assume that this one guys death is such a turning point. I mean ultimately he has just spent the last 10 years in hiding, I have a feeling that maybe he just wanted to be done with it by now. I also understand that a big deal has to be made of it because we have essentially been chasing this ONE man for the last TEN years and I mean you gotta have all that money and wasted lives be useful for something right? Overall, the fight against terror is still going to be needed and hopefully this little success won't make america assume they are invincible again. They say hindsight is 20/20 but that's only if you actually use it as a tool.
In other words I do think Obama's speech was very nicely worded and enjoyed that it was short and to the point. As I am resideing in a predominantly muslim country I also appreciated that he reiterated that our fight is not against the Muslim faith but against the terrorists themselves regardless of race or religion. A good thought to put out there for all of the celebrating college kids who really seem to have no concept of what this death meant other than another chance to go running through the streets drinking!
Now for the fun one! Prince William and Kate! She was so gorgeous in her dress, I think it was the perfect mix of being fun young and sexy while still classy and fitting of the royal aspect. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the procession and wedding itself while having lunch with a group of Egyptian Muslims at an authentic egyptian restaurant. Very certainly an experience in life I never could expect in advance. It was very fun though and the egyptian culture is very loud and welcoming with lots of laughing! now I only need to understand Arabic!
Now for the fun one! Prince William and Kate! She was so gorgeous in her dress, I think it was the perfect mix of being fun young and sexy while still classy and fitting of the royal aspect. I was lucky enough to be able to watch the procession and wedding itself while having lunch with a group of Egyptian Muslims at an authentic egyptian restaurant. Very certainly an experience in life I never could expect in advance. It was very fun though and the egyptian culture is very loud and welcoming with lots of laughing! now I only need to understand Arabic!
Well told... 'seems odd to me to think that so many people are whole-heartedly celebrating the death of another human being' and one man cannot be responsible for all the wrong doings. Hvnt thought from that angle though, but still whenever I look at the 9/11 videos on youtube and alive people jumping off the floors just to fall mashed-dead on the roads, I curse for death of each and every man behind this act.
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