Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Wkend :)

Happy easter everyone!!! I was lucky enough to go home this weekend... and it was amazing to see my family in every way. Meaning I was even asked the same questions over and over again but it was ok (and I think my family understands this so don't take offense). But it is good and wonderful and I love my family so much. 

My sister is growing up! We have so much fun together and even though she is one hundred percent different from me,  I think we are starting to understand and relate to each other. It's fantastic! It's hard to relate to a 15 year old teenager but I love what we have. There is def more to come but this needs to go up before we leave easter behind right? and since thats in 10 minutes....

Happy Easter, I hope it brings the hope of spring and new life. Everything is worth life. :)


Tomasen said...

There is really nothing like a so many ways! Don't tell Emma, but it the one regret that I have ...that she will not ever have a sister!!
It was great to see you and I know you answered each question with great enthusiasm and grace!! Every single time!
Love you!!

Tomasen said...

Oh yea...your Mom and I couldn't stand each other in High School, but as time goes on it gets better and better!! Right Lees!!! tee hee hee

Lisa said...

You are implying that I can stand you now????? Perhaps I have just grown more tolerant? HAHAHAHA

Hal said...

Hey no sisterly bashing on the love post! haha