Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Office is on..and

over the past couple of weeks I've begun a number of posts only to end up staring at my laptop after a few sentences were given...i'm not sure exactly what is causing this or what have you but i'm just going to go

  • I've been having a few different occurrences with the other gender, all completely different and unexpected but it's been interesting to see my reactions to these. I don't really want to go into it so much because I still haven't quite figured out how/what I feel but I do know that I like where I am right now. single isn't so bad :)
  • Two of my absolute bests came out to visit me this past month (on diff wkends)! I in some incredible way got placed with them as my roommates at freshman year of college and lived with them for the next 4 years. I have no idea where that luck came from but these girls have kept me sane through all that gets thrown at you and known just exactly when to accept my craziness and join in on it! 
  • Rockett & Me!!! 1st time at a SOX Game!!! 
Jewlz & Me, checking out the bean!!! Yessir we're cool
  • Who the hell knew we would end up spaced across the entire country (1 in each timezone)? Miss them both like hell but have certainly loved getting to travel to see them. What great places we all live! I can't wait till I get to see them together in July!!! 
  • I have 3 days left of work. Then after that I have 5 months of nothing!
  • Well not actually nothing, I will be finishing up my last class for my Masters as well as studying for a big exam all engineers need to take. But overall NOTHING!
  • I have a few trips planned out but am hoping to spend a decent amount at home and hanging with my friends out there before the real life begins. Until then I will be in the city here for the month of June hanging out so any chicago bloggers out there who want to hang out, during the day!!! let me know!
  • believe that's it....oh if chicago could get rid of this rain and send the gorgeous 80 degree weather back, you'd make me very happy :) kthx


Tomasen said...

Sounds like a great plan of no plan! Enjoy! You have earned it!

Bayjb said...

Sounds like a great plan and great photos! I love taking my photo in the bean. Fun!

Hal said...

haha, I love taking my photo in the bean too! it always comes out differently somehow! though maybe that's the faces i make...lol.