I am done, and out, and so excited! This afternoon 6 wonderful men (aged far too young looking to work and far too old to actually be doing this as work) came and carried all my shit down the three levels of stairs and out to their truck. And now...
well after I did the sentimental part of leaving your apartment with the roommate...usually I appreciate that part but I didn't feel it that way this time. Basically this was my apartment that I was just nice enough to let my "roommate" stay here. I decorated it all, brought all the furniture, did all the responsibilities. Not trying to talk down, just the truth. So to me, after all that, it was my safe haven, my place of relaxation, my apartment.
And beyond all the moving and packing and planning, I was really looking forward to just a night of resting, catching up on my online life, and just being myself.
well no...tonight was my uncles surprise 40th birthday party. now however much I wanted to to celebrate with him, I just couldn't even find the energy to make conversation with the person sitting next to me. And when ur sitting with people you don't know that well (might have met a few times for short times) or with people you don't find attractive (yes that matters) it just doesn't seem worth it. not to say they are mean, not cool enough, whatever, it just means that at this night I don't want to play the game. It has been a very awesome and amazing month but it has also included a lot of meeting new people, talking to anyone and everyone, spending 24 hours a day with people... and all of that takes a LOT of energy out of me. It's exhausting to me to have to entertain, or make all the decisions, or make plans with other people. I do it...when I need to or when I really want to do something but ALL the time, I don't. and I don't like being forced into it.
This month, has had a lot of that. And I'm tired... I need rebooting, I need some sleep, and I'm going for it.
Have to add though, I absolutely loved meeting all the bloggers this weekend. I am amazed by the people I have already met through this community and can't wait to continue more. Almost sad I'm leaving for the next few months cause I won't be able to continue to be a part of it. I mean, my bookclub is reading my book suggestion. Lol. but really, I can't wait for July to start in 33 minutes but man, I need to gain some sanity tonight. wish me luck!
Well that is completely understandable. You can only imagine how I feel at the END of the summer, when I get my house back to myself! I love and cherish my alone time; and the thing with you is that you don't have much of it coming your way in the next few months! So I'd grab it when I can!
Haha. I was wondering if you were going to be at the book club since you suggested. And seriously. I get this post like no other. I'm still trying to re-boot from the weekend, as you know.
Glad you're done with all the hard packing/moving stuff!
When do you leave?!
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