so many thoughts rolling around in my head... completely unable to process any of them. Perhaps I have been wasting the brainpower for a bit too long. I sit down to study and can not focus for more than 20 minutes. I tell myself I need to do laundry and I end up reading blogs or organizing my room. I go shopping with my mother so SHE (you heard me, SHE) can buy a purse and end up with two hats purchased! One a winter hat which will come in very handy and useful, but the other just so cute and perky. A perfect going out hat. Problem is I have never worn a hat out... Goal for October: Wear hat out! Here are my hats though!
I've been using Fitness TV these past few days to start getting my body back in
decent shape. And when I say decent I want to be able to actually do 20 crunches in a row or look like I know what I'm doing in pilates class. The point of this paragraph though is I saw one titled abs and got excited... turned out to be a Baywatch abs one. There were woman in skimpy bikinis, make-up, and long free hair telling me what to do and then after says hey! now that you've done this 15 minute workout you can go out and wear a mini-skirt. Good freaking lord. I like my instructors to be sweaty and gross just like me.
I have also been on a huge shopping spree...I mean ridiculous given that I don't have any money coming in currently but I've just been hitting everything right and when that happens you have to pick things up.
A gorgeous Coach purse (not real :)) and some fun cute looking clogs. A secret about me, I wear clogs ALL the time. I hate sneakers so in the winter this is all I wear. Thus finding a cute pair that can pass as work shoes as well is such a deal! And a girl always needs purses.
Two scarves. I love love love scarves, wear them all the time and am so excited that it is getting to scarf season again. The pink one has some thread work and is rather light. It can work as a summer or winter scarf!
Work out pants! I have been looking for the perfect pair of work out pants for pilates for so long! I am extremely picky though and will not buy one unless it fits and feels right. I loved these as soon as I put them I only need to find a 3/4 length as well :)
alright, clean the kitchen time. I will not miss getting back to a living space where it's only a few smart, clean, females who clean up after themselves! This whole family thing is ridiculous!
Whoa hey there Coach purse, you are lookin' good! Also, I like the first hat! It's super cute
thanks! and haha, totally one of those fake coach purses... did I not mention that?? hehe
Whoopsies. I see the hat. This will teach me to read in order :)
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