Friday, October 2, 2009

Goodbye College

After 4 fantastic years filled with friends, boys, swimming, booze, ridiculous drunkeness, hw, classtime, drinking during classtime, group meetings, working in the bookstore, booze, parties, apt parties, dorm room parties, "It's just coke!", etc I have closed the chapter on my higher education!

I've been crashing at my friends place the last few days and she is overwhelmed with loads of hw and classes...makes me think of the days we would lock ourselves in the library for hours upon end. Mini freak outs would ensue and then 15 min later you would be back at again. Because above all we chose to be there, we want to learn this. I have loved pretty much every second of my time in college, and out when I took online courses, but being where I am now I am ecstatic to be looking forward at using my brain and knowledge to do something real.

But being handed that degree....I am now officially a holder of a Masters Degree. Say what???

Note: I was going to have a lovely photo of the degree but my camera has decided to not turn on. I'm really really hoping it's just dead....

Happy Friday Everyone! My wkend looks to be fabulous...hopefully it just won't rain on us!


Tomasen said...

Yea...oh what a feeling! Is there some kind of ceremony you will go through? I opted out of mine and then in hindsight, kind of wished I had gone through with it. Oh well...

Molly said...

Congratulations! It *is* such a good feeling :)