Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back to Reality

Man alot of stuff happens when you don't have internet for a long time. I have been sitting in my living room for approximately 4 hours now and only feel like I have just started to put my self back together. Emails, bank/card accounts, bills, class, aahhhhh. haha. I also just spent almost an hour scouring craigslist while "listening" to my lecture...yea haven't heard much of the lecture but I have found a few prospects. and since I care more about where I'm going to live next than performance based design it seems a rather fair trade off for me. now I just need to catch up on my reader. oh and read a book for bookclub monday, though I have to get that book first....where's the library? and finish my current book, and go through my pics from this past week, and do homework. 

Bah! I just need to stop thinking and go do! 


Molly said...

I'm hoping to make it to book club, although I'll also be frantically reading the book this week. :)

Hal said...

hahaha me too! I'm planning on hitting up the library today!