Tuesday, January 12, 2010

only 40 texts and a little gaga

so quick wkend recap cause the beginning of it was so awesome! But here is my very blurry pic of lady gaga at the concert! It was amazing and wonderful and soooooo much fun. We just danced our ass off! Luckily we got there early enough to see a bit of Jason Derulo as well who was an unexpected surprise. I don't know much of his stuff but he was a good dancer and it was fun. Then before she actually came on they played a bunch of michael jackson and every danced their butts off as well!

And here we are looking cute. We weren't totally gaga'd out but we tried! haha can't help it that we aren't insanely crazy like her!

After that the wkend was just eh. We did manage to get out and check out some of the smaller boutiques on broadway which was nice since I keep walking past them but never go in! I found a couple pairs of cute earrings! not new for me, I have a jewelry problem. haha

Now on to some awesome texts that I have gotten in the past week or so....

  • From one of my good friends from college whom I haven't seen (except for like 4 hours) in months " I think i'm wearing a pair of your underwear."

haha yep, I got that at like 9 in the morning and it cracked me up for the whole day. I followed it up with "what the hell do I make with that?"

  • And earlier this week from the roomie... "I was so spacey I actually bought a homeless person a coffee, that would never happen on a normal day!"

Have to love both of them, they kept me smiling throughout the whole day! I'm documenting them becuase my silly ghetto phone can only hold 40 texts and that for me is like a normal day. so sadly I have to delete them :(

Happy Tuesday Everyone! It's trivia night tonight! Loooooovvvvve it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Guys can suck

my roommate got a call tonight from her "boyfriend" who is Australian but has been living in London for the past few years. Anyway he had gone home for the holidays and today and he called and said that he was staying in Australia. Now they have had a rocky relationship and add the long distance to it and it's complicated BUT he made this decision without talking to her or anything like that.

I guess where I am is I have no idea what to even think, and she wants some advice but what do you do with something like that? I first met the roomie 3 months ago and though we are close and I know most of the details, I have never met the guy and I only know her side of the story, bout everything. But my first instinct is, this guy has chosen to move from a country that's a 6 hour plane ride to a 24 hour plane ride away without even consulting her. And I know she loves him and they've talked about a future so I don't want to say you should end this becuase that's a big decision but I also don't want to say you should try to talk this out. Cause this guy obviously has problems and is extremely selfish.

This is an extremely strong and independent woman who falls apart when he is inconsiderate or mean to her. But when she talks about him she is happy. I get frustrated that guys can do this girls and we really don't have any power over it. Cause I seriously think she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him, but he..... is impulsive and selfish and something...

so what does a roomie do? I brought her home and we're getting drunk but it doesn't really solve anything. It's a bandaid for a situation that is just going to be painful and sad. Are there any comforting words I can give her? anything that will make her forget that the man she loves is being a complete asshole!

oh and did I mention he called her on his way to work! so that they couldn't have more than a 15 minute conversation! right now I want to smack the guy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lady Gaga & Wisdom Teeth

Tonight I will be seeing this!

yep... that's right. Awesome roomie and I are going to be checking out this fabulous concert all decked out in Gagaish outfits! We are so excited! Thank the lord that she changed venues and put more tickets on sale!
Then tomorrow morning I have something not so fun.. finally getting my wisdom teeth out after many many years of being told i should. Which means that I will be laid up for the rest of the weekend on a liquid diet. Which in my world means that I get to load up on mucho food tonight and then smoothies and ice cream!!! trying to look on the bright side of things here cuase I'm truthfully very nervous. I hate things like this!
Happy weekend everyone! I'll be busting out my dance moves tonight and can NOT wait!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Xmas in Pics

I'm busy still recuperating from the holiday season but here are a few great pics from the whirlwind!

Our pretty christmas tree. It was so big compared to my personal little one for the apt. Though I did love them both and can't quite get rid of mine yet :) Luckily I have a understanding roommate.
My sister likes to think she is the ghettoist girl living the "thug life."

How to get rowdy siblings to quiet down! Have them build gingerbread houses! Of course a competition is formed out of it, see the M on the door.

My mother being annoyed with my picture taking! We had had a long day by then filled with champagne, wine, cooking, and cleaning! exhausting!

my sister likes to believe she's taller than me.... she's totally not!

And here we are being nice.

Most of the NYC crew. SAdly my mom was taking the pic, but aren't we all cute! It was such a gorgeous day to walk around the city! loved it. A fantastic indian lunch followed as well..mmmm

Loved this in the city, they are trees on top of a building. SO COOL!