Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Michael Jackson

rush, rush, rush and wait. that is what I have just done for the past 48 hours. I was lucky enough to be able to pack the entire apt by myself (whatever roommate) and it's been pack, pack, pack and then "shit" I'm out of tape and the closest store is a 10 minute walk from me, though now that I think Dominicks was closer...go me), so then I've collapsed, taken a little nap and then going. Ironically enough, this situation is very like my work and I love it! How weird?

So yea, I am sitting waiting for the wonderful movers to show up and carry everything I own down to their truck. slightly nervous....I've packed everything as perfectly and safely, and tightly that I can cause it's going into storage for the next 3 months + and I won't see it!!! This is the stuff I get stressed out about.... Just please don't break any pictures! or ruin my books! that's really all I care about, haha.

After that it's being a nomad for the next 3 weeks, rather excited!

As to this month of June, oh yes because if any of you have seen, it is the last day of June. ALREADY! I don't know where it went. I am actually finally able to sit down and process and a Michael Jackson story is on. And I want to watch it! So processing is getting shoved down, I will just sit back and remember a man who made revolutionary music and though had his problems, was one of the greatest icons in my life. I only wish he could have actually felt happy from all his amazing successes and life.
He almost made cute at times... :/


Bayjb said...

Hope the move goes well! We need to hang out again soon.

Hal said...

I agree! I'm leaving the city for the next few months (traveling & such) but lets keep in touch through our fabulous blogs and then once I'm back it's on! haha

btw, I love ur name, Bayjb. is there a story behind it?