Monday, August 31, 2009

Packing Woes

From yesterday to next saturday I am staying in a fabulous little B&B in Aruba with one of my best's aunt and uncle. They decided to just up and move to Aruba a few years back because they had vacationed here and loved it and thought they would make it work by running an adorable little inn place. Their home has a main section and then three rooms that are available for rent. They make you homemade breakfast every day, have a great pool and sitting area in the back and the rooms are great. My friend and I lucked out and got the big room with two queen beds and a huge bathroom. guess it pays to know the owners! wink wink.

But yea, here I am packing for the trip a few days back and I was leaving my house a few days before our flight for some other adventures and I for some reason decided that no cords whatsoever were needed for this trip. Now I don't know about most people but I have an astonishing amount of cords that I carry along with me and though I remembered my laptop and phone chargers I ditched everything else! So that means my ipod hook-up, my camera cord, etc. So instead of getting the absolutely gorgeous picture that I took of the absolutely gorgeous beach that is an easy 10 minute walk from my room, you get this. A lovely wordy nothing post that does not make you picture envious or anything. I'm sad. Lol.

Packing. I manage to get it all into one suitcase and realize I've left cords, or I bring a huge ass suitcase and realize I brought nothing I need. Will it ever actually work itself out???? Does it really matter when all you're doing is beaching and relaxing it??? NOPE!

And here we go to the end of another August... And those pics...might come later. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If my life were a musical

every once in a while I get absolutely obsessed with a musical and I watch it over and over and over again. Then once I get bored of the dialogue I start fast-forwarding through the boring parts to the songs that I love. Then once I get sick of just watching the actors/singers do it, I start bouncing all over the room singing the songs and rocking out. That is the same progression and it is such a relaxing thing for me. My two favorite musicals, Rent and Across the Universe. There is just something so incredibly moving about Rent and then Beatles songs put to a plot??? how could that not be fabulous?

sometimes I wish my life could be a musical. That at any tense/nervous/scary/angry times I could just burst out into song. I feel like it would be a great way of easing the situation and making things seem alright again. I mean maybe I wouldn't even be afraid of confronting people if I could just sing it to them! but alas, most people would look at me weird if I started vocalizing all my songs things. haha, I actually made up a choice few short songs during college that my roomies and others still use today! yes, they were very accepting of my weirdness.

I have to laugh at myself as I write this now though because in my apt searches I met with a girl who asked me if I had any pet peeves in a roomie and then she told me that hers was when people sing their conversations. I guess her old roommates would sing their questions and answers to each other just while doing normal things. I thought this was hilarious! I mean, it would totally get on my nerves but how funny is it still? loved it, and really that isn't at all what I'm saying. I would totally sing for real if I did it.

so, where do we end here...I think there should be a day where life just becomes a musical. One day and everyone around me sings. So awesome! though only good voices cause the bad ones hurt my ears :(

Thursday, August 20, 2009

countryfest..who knew

went to countryfest this past weekend and had a absolutely wonderful time tail-gating and when we finally hit the concert we were just in time for SUGARLAND! yes I am obsessed but man were they awesome and anyone who hasn't heard of them should def go check that out. Our seats were the very last row and we had all this space behind us to dance our hearts out. It was amazing. so after sugarland was kenny chesney and sometime during the break before him and getting a beer/mingling/being bored I started talking to this guy who as far as I was concerned was a spitting image of Channing Tatum. Now for all of you who don't know who he is here you go...
yes, isn't he just gorgeous. But seriously this guy totally had the same angled strong jaw. And height. good lord was he tall! now granted I may have had a few drinks but we talked and danced and overall had a good time. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The most annoying part was he kept trying to get close while dancing and it was so damn HOT! yes, I did not even want his arms around me. lol. but all in all it was a success, cause not only did I get to dance with a channing lookalike but then I got to blast rock music as we drove out of countryfest! can you imagine the dirty looks we got with that??? haha

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Looking for a place to live....


so I am starting once again to look or a place to live when I come back to chicago and it is not going well. I really just want to find a place where I can be friends with my roommates and yet the place is decently clean and nice to live in. (along with having natural light, washer/dryer somewhere in the building, and an outdoor space) And yet, I can't seem to find that. granted I am trying to get this through craigslist which of course makes it hard enough but seriously....I just want a nice, fun, awesome place to live!

blah blah blah i know this is a ridiculous post, but I'm frustrated and tired of it... if anyone has any better ideas on how to go about finding a place to live in chicago please help me out!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Plans, schmams, and some Weather

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir [women's] blood"

I'm reading Devil in a White City and the head director of works for the World Exposition, Daniel Burnham, was quoted saying this. I of course changed men to women because seriously, but I thought it was a very cool quote. Life is funny because even if you do plan it has a way of sending you off in a completely different direction but it's completely true that to make just small boring plans means you are living a never-changing life.

I make big plans but then keep them quiet so that if/when they change everybody doesn't know. But really who cares if my plans change??? It doesn't signify failure or defeat but just a curve in the road that I never saw coming. Yesterday I told ppl that what I really wanted to do down the road was be an investigator and be out in the field checking out fires that have occurred. Unfortunately for me, in my field a position like that requires you to have years of experience because you need to know EVERYTHING. But in 10 years or so I would really love to break into that. So there you go, my flimsy 10 year goal is out! And hopefully before then I change the focus of my job a few times...but that is a completely different can of worms.
As for now, it is HOT! I mean so hot I can't get out from in front of my fan!!! And my and the fam are going to head to the lake and chill on the boat for the day. Yessir! Wakeboarding please? Hope everyone finds a way to beat the heat.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to kill a spider the New Hampshire way

Step 1: Find a broom and boot
Step 2: spend 15 minutes gathering the courage to knock spider down from ceiling
Step 3: scream and run away when said spider is finally locked down
Step 4: carry broom, with attached spider, out to dirveway as quickly as possible
Step 5: smush, smash, & crush spider into miniscule bits and pieces

Coming home tonight with the sibs we found a HUMONGOUS spider in the corner of our porch ceiling. I of course had already seen this and tried to erase it from my mind because good lord do I hate spiders BUT my sister was unable to forget about it and insisted that we kill it. Now me being sensible and having many more years of experience in spider killing said no freaking way! that spider will jump off the ceiling, onto our heads and kill us with its freaky orangutang legs and fast crawling.

So after I have locked myself in the house (along with the dogs because what if it got on them??) they devised a plan to knock the spider off with a broom and then smack it with a shoe. Does anyone want to guess how long this took them??? like 20 minutes...and though the spider did end up being dead by the end (THANK GOD) they were utterly ridiculous making it happen. Picture a 23 year old hiding behind a front door with a crazy 16 year old jumping and screaming around and a silly 14 year old running around with a boot just making noise. Yes it is quite the scene.

*I would put a pic of a spider up just for fun but I'd have a heartattack every time I'd look at the post so now way jose!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

That time of year :)

I am 23 today! Yessirre I am moving up another notch on the 20 yardstick and it feels eh. There have been so many firsts this year such as trying a new area of work (in china!), beginning this whole blogging lifestyle (including writing & meeting other fellow bloggers!), completing my Master's degree, becoming single, accepting a fulltime job. Overall, so many that I almost got used to everything being new and nothing normal. Not a bad thing at all but very interesting.

But beyond all that, I have become so happy figuring out what I want and how I can make that happen. I also feel like I relax more and allow life to just happen! so all is good and now I have another great year to look forward too. who knows where I will be at the end of that!

So today I am going to treat myself to something pretty, maybe a lovely coffee and then go partay it up in the city tonight. Wish you all an awesome Hallie Birthday Day!