Sunday, February 14, 2010

We redecorated my apt!

So my apartment living room has always been very big ad yet uninviting and just blah! There is also a sunroom that is at the end of it a sunroom which is awesome. But until now it's been very unwelcoming and just not fun to be in. And the reason I have let this go on for so long is I haven't seen another way to make it better. Well this past weekend ladies and gentlemen, my roomy and me DID IT! Yes she bugged me and bugged me and then the set up hit me! diagonals and hidden spots! and tables to eat at all in the same line of view! my entire decoration norm went out the window. And after many hours sweeping and moving, removing and windexing, lifting and laughing... we ended up with a fantastic living room. A room that I am excited to hang out in and start off this summer laying in a little coach reading in the sun! lets go sun!!

The living room is here... the fireplace is now the focal point and with the mirror and diagonal placed couches it is much more intimate. I also love that you can see into the sunroom and have lots of light coming through. that used to be blocked with a screen.

There you can see into the whole sunroom. And the tv.

The breakfast (or any other meal) table that looks out onto the sidewalk now in the sunroom. Lots of sun and comfiness (love those chairs!), plus very good people watching and I'm happy!

The couch that I sleep on once the sun becomes warm! Typicaly on the weekends I'l wake up in the morning and move out to this couch so that the sun is on me. I'm such a vitamin D junkie! the coffee table is different as well.

So that's our new apt and though it caused lots of drama in between the third roommate it was totally worth it!


Tomasen said...

Looks great!!!
I must say I am coveting that delicious sun room!!

Hal said...

oh it is amazing! I can't wait until the really nice weather starts happening... right now it's still a little cold out there.

Bayjb said...

Holy cow your place looks great! I love all the open air and light that comes in. LOVE it!

Hal said...

thanks so much!!! :)