Sunday, March 7, 2010

I like to take pics.

I was out this past weekend because it was so amazingly gorgeous out and of course I brought my camera. Thus, here are a few of my favorite shots that I got during the day.

some awesome pigeons who almost look like they can't tell if they are frozen there or is they really want to be there! haha. the weirdest thing is that I saw bird couples all over the place while I was walking around. Pigeons and geese!

the webbed feet on the snow just seemed so quaint to me. It's a perfectly natural occurrence and yet so beautiful.

The snow seemed to me as if it were clawing and trying to hold on to the last passages of winter. I want to believe that this somewhat warm weather is really spring trying to come into effect here. I want warmth and spring so much i'll do whatever I can to believe it! :)

Finally the lone harbor. And yet this harbor will be bursting with activity very soon. It makes me feel awesome that even though it looks desolate now, very soon everything will be what Chicago summer is about! And if trivia tonight is anything to call for it... we are in for one interesting warm season!

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