Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Friday ya'll!

Yes it really is Friday and I am sitting here at my desk after coming to work in absolutely gorgeous weather! you hear that? Absolutely freaking beautiful weather before 8am! amazing. Of course it makes me not want to work or really do anything today... thus the blogging. ahhh what a good distraction. Now lets just hope that no one comes and asks me to do anything :)

Seriously though things are good. The weather has picked up and maybe... just maybe...we might be approaching spring?! I really really hope so but if not I have spent all week loving the weather and walking around with my winter coat WIDE open. I even grabbed an ice coffee this morning and it's sitting here by me making my friday just grand!

It is also St. Patty's weekend here in Chicago which means that all sorts of craziness is going to go down. I'm very excited to experience the green river and all the celebrating that is supposed to happen. This will be my first time celebrating St. Patty's day here in Chicago so hopefully it's a good one! and that I don't get absolutely hammered. lol

Work has taken a turn for the better. I know have things to do on a fairly consistent basis and I just got assigned my first "solo" project. I put that into quotes because we rarely do things solo here but the managing etc is all usually one persons responsibility. And now I have one to manage! soooo freaky but also really really cool becuase hell I'm never going to succeed if I don't show 'em what I can do! I also changed desks and now I am basically smack in the middle of things which means I can't fool around on the computer so much anymore but the days def go by much faster with so many people stopping by to chat! It also has much more desk space and gets some natural sunlight!!!!!!!

Oh and while shopping the other day I picked up some sunflowers and we have this great tall yellow vase and they make our livign room so wonderful and cute. Come summer I am going to have flowers all over the place! plus this guy just makes me so happy. haha

well I think that's all. this has taken approximately all morning to complete and I now need to do some sneaking around to research tv's. We need a new one for our living room!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay for Friday!!!! You sound as though you are in a good mood. The weather yesterday and today HERE have been rainy and grey. Guess we will now leave on Sunday so we can get a few more days of sun.