Monday, April 5, 2010

A picture post.... with a few words

So it's April and boy is it thunderstorm season this spring. We have been leaving the windows open nonstop this past week what with the gorgeous weather and the smell of the rain has been fantastic. I feel like the whole new summer and starting and I can NOT wait. So in order to get rid of the ickiness of my last post here is a few of the milestones I have this summer.

To start off there will be lots upon lots of this:

Though of course it won't be this gorgeous tropical beach but there will be plenty of Chicago lakefront! Which I am totally OK with.

Then one of my bests is getting married this summer! It will be the first of my close friends to do this and I am so excited for her.
Then her reception will be on a riverboat so I will be wearing something like this... But much cuter with more anchors is how I picture it! My girlfriend and I will both be dressing like this with matching little sailor hats! We are so excited... going a fantastic Weekend!

I will also hopefully be going to this music festival this year. It will be my second time and I would be absolutely thrilled! The atmosphere's of music festivals just amaze me. Every single person just having a good time! And hopefully this year there will be no rain!!!

And finally lots and i mean LOTS of sitting outside in good ole chicago here enjoying good food, friends, drinks, and merriment! The cubs and sox have opened.... the bikes and runners are out.... it is officially warm weather time here in chicago!

1 comment:

Tomasen said...

Ahh yes,....we have all survived another winter. Thank God!!