Sunday, November 30, 2008

To trust? Or not to believe?

Do you remember the times where you felt all alone and like the only thing you have to grab onto is your own sanity? And you tell yourself over and over that what you have is enough? 

And then all of a sudden you find this group, this number of people who step up and somehow make all that nonsense sound right? Or if at least not right, something to bear. They were your friends, your support group, your family, your life. They are the ones who make you real. Who let you be sane, who you need to be you. Amazing...if it's words to describe.

After that I believe you need to find urself again, allow the you to prove itself again. And only then can you truly be balanced. At least this is where I think I need to be right now, I could be completely wrong. 

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