Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm off to LA tomorrow night and I'm sitting here looking at my tiny little carry-on and wondering how the heck I am going to fit everything I want to bring into this TINY ITSY BITSY suitcase. It's mocking me lounging in my circle chair, also known as a pop-a-dom. totally not the right spelling but it's how I think it. But back to packing, I have all the clothes I want to definitively bring and surrounding the silly bag, but I keep thinking of all the other clothes that are hanging in my closet, or relaxing on my floor and I want this, & this, & this. 

Then the logical part of me kicks in and I say, how long are you really going to be there silly. Two full days + a half, ultimately. So if I were to break things down I would need 3 bottoms and 3 tops plus some layers in case it's cold. But let's multiply that a bit because night outfits are always different. So now we're up to about 5 different bottoms and tops. I probably have like 10 tops, 4 bottoms (ooh I'm below on that one!) and than 4 pairs of shoes. Because shoe's are a must. 

So then I think, well I was going to bring my purple purse, but maybe I should bring my big black bag and then I can fit more in. And ultimately I don't want to do anymore tonight so I'm going to be stuck doing it in the morning....bah! packing is the WORST! whether it's long, short, fun, whatever. SUCKS!

But on better news, I officially passed on my projects tonight...a little bit tomorrow morning but in essence I finished and succeeded and satisfied everyone. Well sorta disappointed the customer, but it totally wasn't my fault. Planes got delayed, internet connections didn't work and everyone just lost out. But I'm excited cause I did it! And now I have to spend tomorrow catching up on all the class work I've been lacking on! Which reminds me, I do need to do my taxes sometime soon.....bah, it's never ending. haha, gotta love it

btw, the wind is going nuts outside my window tonight!! keep thinking someone is banging drums or something!

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