Monday, August 31, 2009

Packing Woes

From yesterday to next saturday I am staying in a fabulous little B&B in Aruba with one of my best's aunt and uncle. They decided to just up and move to Aruba a few years back because they had vacationed here and loved it and thought they would make it work by running an adorable little inn place. Their home has a main section and then three rooms that are available for rent. They make you homemade breakfast every day, have a great pool and sitting area in the back and the rooms are great. My friend and I lucked out and got the big room with two queen beds and a huge bathroom. guess it pays to know the owners! wink wink.

But yea, here I am packing for the trip a few days back and I was leaving my house a few days before our flight for some other adventures and I for some reason decided that no cords whatsoever were needed for this trip. Now I don't know about most people but I have an astonishing amount of cords that I carry along with me and though I remembered my laptop and phone chargers I ditched everything else! So that means my ipod hook-up, my camera cord, etc. So instead of getting the absolutely gorgeous picture that I took of the absolutely gorgeous beach that is an easy 10 minute walk from my room, you get this. A lovely wordy nothing post that does not make you picture envious or anything. I'm sad. Lol.

Packing. I manage to get it all into one suitcase and realize I've left cords, or I bring a huge ass suitcase and realize I brought nothing I need. Will it ever actually work itself out???? Does it really matter when all you're doing is beaching and relaxing it??? NOPE!

And here we go to the end of another August... And those pics...might come later. :)

1 comment:

Bayjb said...

Aruba? Um jealous = me