Saturday, October 17, 2009


A new place... by myself. I've never been there before. My first apartment I had my friends, my second apartment I had my boyfriend. My third... I have me. And my roommates are great, I just had a fabulous time with them tonight, but it's weird.

For awhile there my family became a family of 5 instead of 4. For the first time. Which we never really were cause I was always so far ahead of things. It was good, it was nice. I love my family.

Now I'm here, surging forward alone again. I know I can do it, I know it will be the best, but I hate transitions. hate the waiting. Sometimes I think I am just waiting all the time.


Lisa said...

Well just so you know, I still feel that way. That is why we are taught to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. Which is hard, I know, but it's not like everything comes together at some certain point in time and it all makes sense. Transition ... it happens until ... you die! And then you have to hope you don't come back as a black fly in a living room where YOU are located! HAHAHA

Hal said...

hahahaha I can't believe the flys didn't bother any of you! seriously boggles my mind. But that would be some damn karma that's for sure.

Lisa said...

Yes. So you should be careful, if you ever hear a loud sucking sound, you should run. JUST in case!!!

As for not sucking up the flies -- HELLO! Did you ever win? It's easier to ignore them then try to decimate them, which is impossible. My feeling is they hatch out of the woodwork, one is always waiting to see if they are needed.

So gross.

Bayjb said...

Congrats on the new place! Give it time and settle in and soon it'll be second nature.

Lauren said...

Just found your blog and read this post. I have to say that I feel the exact same way... I hate transitions and waiting too. It's like you're just waiting for life to begin, or it already has but you're always playing catch up. Anyway congrats on the new apt and I"m sure everything will soon fall into place. It always does. Good luck!