Monday, December 22, 2008

A day in the life of

ME! or at least 36 hours or so. In bulleted form:
  • Saturday night while having a few drinks B and I thought that instead of braving the cold and snow to hit up a bar we would fire up my little fireplace. I've been putting off trying it out because I was very afraid of smoking up the apartment and I thought with a guy around that if something were to happen I'd have a little more help than just me and Chloe. So we went for it and it worked!!! Ended up having a fantastic fire and hanging out!!! And nothing burned down!
  • On sunday B and I decided to check out the Musuem of Science and Industry. I've heard really great reviews about it and have wanted to go there for awhile but it's a good size trek out to where it is. So of course we chose to go on a day where the temps were below freezing with the wind, but hey! We like a challenge. While there we also took in an OmniMax, The Wild Ocean. It had been awhile since I had been to an Imax or anything so I was very excited. It was pretty good except for the fact of being rather unclear in the message it wanted to send. It kept switching from telling a story about sardines and their paths to talking about an area in Africa called the Wild Coast to trying to promote the environment and how to be greener. So needless to say, cool to watch but I sort of feel like whoever put it together was on acid.
  • After the MOSI we went out for drinks because we love our drinks! Haha ended up choosing a random spot in the Loop and proceeded to get DRUNK! You know that feeling when you're sitting for awhile and drinking, eating, talking so you're not really thinking about how much booze you're consuming and then when you head home you are waaayyy more drunk than you ever thought?? Yea well that happened to me last night! haha After making it home (didn't feel the cold at all!) I had just gotten in the front door and my downstairs neighbour told me that pipes had burst in the basement and could I bring the technician guy down there because she was having trouble locating her keys. Now let me tell you. I had never seen what happens when a pipe bursts, obviously it's pretty easy to imagine, but the basement was a complete puddle!!! And my poor bike that was in our storage locker had had water sprayed on it and they were all little ice drops!!! So sad. But I digress. After wading my way through 3 or 4 inches of water the man told me that we had 5 pipes that had burst! yes 5. We have no idea why or but assume that someone accidently left the door open.
  • Finally in my tipsy/drunken state I made Chloe come with me to let the guys across the hall from us know why they didn't have water and we finally met our neighbours!!! We have lived in this apt for close to 6 months now and still had yet to say hello to them. Whats even weirder is that we have only seen one of the guys in passing and he is incredibly awkward and then another guy came to the door who I have NEVER seen before, and we didn't see the other guy who I've seen like twice. So now we are officially confused who lives there. But we did find out that the incredibly awkward guy is Bulgarian which was one of his reasons for being weird I guess. Random!
  • Needless to say it was a very interesting weekend, interesting and awesome! But now I have to figure out where to shower!!! haven't since sat. yea my hair looks awesome. And do a million things before I leave on wed, but of course I also am working long hours to make up for taking vacation off between xmas and new years. So gonna be a busy next couple of days. Totally worth it though!
  • Lastly, I am finally in the Christmas spririt! Lets bring it on baby!

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